Volunteer Fire Co. is made up of men and women who provide fire protection and emergency medical service to the town of Wheatfield on an all-volunteer basis. We are always looking for new members to serve as firefighters, EMTs, apparatus drivers, and other help. If you would like to serve the community we live in and this seems interesting to you, please read on for additional details and application information.

***NOTE – The Information you provide below will be used by Shawnee VFC and the Niagara County Sheriffs office for the purposes of conducting a background check of all new applicants.




Using the information you’ve provided as part of your application for membership, we’ll work with the Niagara County Sheriff’s office to conduct a criminal/arson background check as required by New York State law for all applicants.


Once / if we receive a positive response from the Sheriff’s office, you’ll then be asked to come in for an interview with members of the Shawnee VFC internal review board. During the meeting we’ll review with you all of the requirements for Shawnee membership and this will be your opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


After your interview, your application will then be brought up before the general membership at the next monthly meeting. New members are accepted by a majority vote of the members at that meeting.

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Gender At Birth
Date Of Birth
Are You Currently Of Have You Previously Been Part Of Another Fire Company
What Classification(s) Of Membership Are You Applying For At Shawnee
What Is Your Blood Type
Are You Able To Respond To At Least 10% Of All Shawnee Emergency Calls Annually OR For Duty Shift Members Commit To Be "On Duty" For At Least 144 Hours Annually
In-House Training Drills Are Held On Thursday Nights, Are You Able To Attend At Minimum Of 12 Of These Drills Annually?
Monthly Meetings Are Held On The First Thursday Of Each Month In Lieu Of Drill, Are You Able To Attend At Minimum 1 Monthly Meeting Per Quarter?
In Order To Maintain "Good Standing" Each Member Is Required To Complete 40 Work Hours Per Year. Are You Able To Fulfill This Requirement?